Sunday, October 14, 2012

A few of my faves...

I am pretty certain that the majority of you have very little time to comb your own hair, let alone consume the majority of your personal time reading blogs. But in the rare event that your Monday morning is in fact filled with free time to browse the internet, I'd like to devote this post to a few of my favorite blogs. Check them out!

Lilly's Style: Lilly is the reason I started blogging. She's beautiful and her trend is SPOT-ON. I think you'll enjoy your style.

Kendi Everyday: This girl blogs. I am pretty certain it's part of her daily income but she is really, really clever. And her sense of style is something to be admired.

Putting Me Together: Aubrey has an amazing heart and a very classic style. She takes the time to walk you through the basics of putting together an outfit.

Other Side of Gray: Annie is hilarious! She is ALWAYS trying new things. Her style is really great but her blog is worth visiting.

Everyday is a country song: Maria is a friend of a friend who I have felt an emotional connection with since the first day I read her blog. She is an amazing woman with a journey toward motherhood. You'll laugh, cry and smile reading her posts.

Enjoy the photos, words, and time that each one of the woman put into their blogs. I know I do!